Musings. Now for one of those Christmas intellectual challenges.
In May I described how functional seizures could be compared to ants and how they react when the line is broken. This was my analogy as to how neural networks responded to a perturbance event. In the ant analogy the perturbation was caused by drawing a line though the pheromone path ants leave to allow themselves to communicate and form the line etc. The article is here.
But what about the human brain. What could have such a fundamental effect of causing a perturbance of the neural network which would lead to the sensory disorder, the loss of synchronicity and timing which the neural network works within. Ultimately leading to functional seizures.
A perturbance within the neural network would be unpredictable in outcome but predictable in the way the neural network degrades, as it is has to reconfigure itself from the initial perturbance. Likewise the length of time of perturbance would be predictable as the neural network regains its statis.
But what we see is the after effect of the perturbance. What event could cause such a fundamental perturbance.
Well let us now consider what it is we measure when we measure brainwaves.
There are different types each working at different frequencies. An EEG records these to rule out epileptiform waves which are related to ‘classic’ epilepsy. These typically are localised (focal) and you can point to the area in the brain where specific uncontrolled electrical activity is taking place.
But what if we are looking at the wrong data when trying to confirm the presence of a neural perturbance at a specific frequency which has a consequence of causing the initial perturbance leading to manifestation of a non focal seizure. Interesting hypothesis.
But a hypothesis unobserved is as all hypotheses are. Unproven.
Now to address that, what if we ran a lab test where we created a neural perturbance purposefully to see at what frequency a non focal seizure event could be induced. To prove the point, one would have to do this in a controlled manner and demonstrate that the introduced perturbance directly resulted in a functional seizure event.
Further to demonstrate it was not a focal seizure you would have to conduct he experiment on both hemispheres. Who would do such a mad experiment to prove that at 2 kHz non focal functional seizures can be induced as a direct consequence of a neural perturbance at 2 kHz affecting the entire neural network causing it to enter a seizure event.
I did.
Now this has been observed, and I have good data, the next step is to persuade someone to wire me up for a EEG.
That way the final link is made and shows that delta waves at a specific frequency through the auditory neural network are perturbed to the extent that resonance occurs causing the overall neural network to seize or at least behave like those ants.
Delta waves at 2 kHz are the key and if it is the case that the perturbance of the neural network at this frequency is upon the delta waves, then this would result in many of the downstream events characterised by an event which is called a functional seizure.
Delta waves gone haywire or at resonance.