
18 June

For fathers day another song to counter the tipping point of full body seizures triggered by 2kH resonance noise. Works a treat.

You are fighting fire with fire as certain wave patterns trigger seizures through resonance. Here you face down a resonance in play which would normally lead to a seizure by creating an alternate resonance in the fluid internal In my cochlear and the external fluid to my cochlear.

This external fluid should not be there and is it this flaw in the cochlear gyroscope mechanism which creates an onward resonance via fluid dynamics to my auditory nerve and to the part of ny brain which performs auditory processing leading to a seizure.

Same effect as a visual strobe light will lead to a seizure.

The song is Blue Danube

15 June.

After a few days of discomfort my right ear drum burst. Again. A little blood but mist clear fluid. I can whistle through the ear. Bad headache though front right hand side to midline behind eyes.

Warrants investigation.

14 June

Message to members of the NEAD Facebook Support Group

Hi Admin,

Please feel free to delete if you feel this to be inappropriate.

Before the group closes, I would like to thank everyone for their support whilst I have been a member.

When I was first diagnosed this group was one of the few sites which were made known to me and it was incredibly helpful to know that they were others in a similar situation with whom I could ask questions, to learn from and to share my thoughts with.

I fully support the change to functional seizures from the myriad of previous names spanning centuries and millennia. For those who have looked into the history of FND and its various subytpes, ‘hysteria’ is allegedly the names given to seizures by Hippocrates. The name coming from the greek word for ‘uterus’. Hysteria became conversion disorder (Freud) and then non-epileptic attack disorder to add distance between the previous views including those of Freud.

I think that sentence in itself shows how much of a change to functional seizures is and means, and signifies a huge change in medical thinking and understanding.

Yes, it will take some time for all neurologists et al to use the common language but diagnostic manuals now used by the medical profession clearly state functional seizures. Over time this will come to pass and become the common language used.

As an aside, with the closure of the group, access to the previous posts I guess will disappear and will no longer be searchable. For my part, I have saved all of the posts which I have made where I consider these to be of use for reference and of some value to others and placed these onto my own website as reference material for these to be searched upon.

The website is static and I have no intention of making it a facebook page.

In closing thank to everyone and my sincere best wishes to all and good luck on your journeys.


1 June

To add another positive post.May 31st 2023. 780 days after the first seizure event, the declaration of Status Epilepticus, three ambulances worth of diazepam to stabilise and five days in hospital.My good progress continues.At T + 780 days (t=onset) I remain at the magic number of 0, null points, zip – all types of seizure for > 156 days.

  • last physical seizure > 456 days ago
  • last drop attack > 156 days ago
  • last absence seizure > 162 days ago
  • last tonic seizure > 205 days ago

My focus now is to build to the 200km a month walking barrier. Content. Monthly update being written with a special mention maybe on fluid dynamics, auditory, visual auras and spotting them.

28th May

At T + 777 days (t=onset) I remain at the magic number of 0, null points, zip – all types of seizure for > 153 days.

last physical seizure > 453 days ago
last drop attack > 153 days ago
last absence seizure > 159 days ago
last tonic seizure > 202 days ago

I’ll crunch the math and see what this reveals I have though found a particular reason as a possible cause of my seizures and that is additional fluid outside of my cochlear resulting in some strange fluid dynamics and consequent neural perturbances.

MRI picked it up.

Crucially a wave resonance affecting my auditory nerve input to the auditory processing functions of the brain.

I wasn’t too far wrong when I described what was happening when I wrote ants.

22 April

Good evening all, much has been written about the four natural chemicals we produce which are are within our own gift.

These being dopamine, oxycotin, serotonin and last by not least endorphins.

Some call the four ‘THE ‘DOSE’, and suggest to take the ‘Dose’ daily.

Anyway, let us here concentrate upon the impact of endorphins. These are generated by walking which for some is a challenge yet, if you can start to walk even a small amount and gradually increase, it all adds up.

So the context, here is my 24 month chart showing reduction of physical seizures mainly and then reducing my absence seizures. What you can see is a correlation between high levels of endorphins measured by Km walked and the reduction in seizure activity.

Granted this is only one element of how to reduce seizures and I do not say that this is the sole way to achieve reduction but this regime showed me one way to reduce my seizures. It certainly contributed.

The endorphins line on the graph is grey and its measure is in Kilometres (KM) walked each month. The spikes in grey correlate to a reduction in my seizure activity. It further suggests that the optimum for reduction purposes is achieving c. 100Km/month walking. Not from day one but to raise gradually up to a peak which you are comfortable with.

Any distance above 100Km in a month being a ‘Brucie bonus’.All I can say it worked for me – 5KM a day – not that far.

22nd April

Good evening all, much has been written about the four natural chemicals we produce which are are within our own gift.

These being dopamine, oxycotin, serotonin and last by not least endorphins. Some call the four ‘THE ‘DOSE’, and suggest to take the ‘Dose’ daily.

Anyway, let us here concentrate upon the impact of endorphins. These are generated by walking which for some is a challenge yet, if you can start to walk even a small amount and gradually increase, it all adds up.

So the context, here is my 24 month chart showing reduction of physical seizures mainly and then reducing my absence seizures. What you can see is a correlation between high levels of endorphins measured by Km walked and the reduction in seizure activity.

Granted this is only one element of how to reduce seizures and I do not say that this is the sole way to achieve reduction but this regime showed me one way to reduce my seizures. It certainly contributed.

The endorphins line on the graph is grey and its measure is in Kilometres (Km) walked each month. The spikes in grey correlate to a reduction in my seizure activity.

It further suggests that the optimum for reduction purposes is achieving c. 100KM /month walking. Not from day one but to raise gradually up to a peak which you are comfortable with.

Any distance above 100Km in a month being a ‘Brucie bonus’.

All I can say it worked for me – 5Km a day – not that far.

Seizures and endorphins

11 April

Okay, celebration time.

Today is the second anniversary of my seizure onset. On 11.4.21 I had five seizures at home each lasted 5 minutes, the first was a major one. The sequence lasted between 1120 – 1230. Ambulance number 1 or rather two of them arrived.

First call of status epilepticus made.

Pumped full of diazepam to stabilise me.

Since then two hospital inpatient stays, 638 seizures combination of full body seizures and absences a few drop attacks, the superb wedding of my daughter, six or seven holidays abroad. I have learned so, so much it has been incredible.

Thank you to all for you support it has meant a great deal to me as on day one, you really do not know where the road is going and how long it may be.

Other peoples shared experiences have been really helpful across the piece.My last seizure of any type > 106 days days last full body physical requiring containment > 406 days.

Quietly content with my progress.

One of the nicest support groups I have encountered. Always here to listen and to offer a helping hand and just be there for even the trivial stuff. Enough said.

Thank you to all, every single one of you.

10th April

Further comment about switchover.

Many thanks. Pleased to hear about the progress.

I did find that as physical reduced absence increased.

I internalised that being the seizure process finding another way out. More technically the seizure process is being quashed back into the brain and being of a more temporal nature.

Physical manifest in the whole body nerve system by zones. I drew a diagram last year sometime showing the shift.

Had a good day. Everyone has been giving me more dopamine than I usually have. I mean people have given me lots of easter eggs.πŸ™‚πŸ™‚Β and who am I to disappoint and say no that’s enough.

5th April

In response to a query about extending the time between seizures and the experience of more absences when physical seizures decrease and general anxiety.

Yes I also found that there was a ‘switchover’.

My experience as that when my physical seizures had reduced to zero, absences increased – as if the brain was saying ‘okay you have closed off that avenue for me to initiate a seizure sequence, but I can find another way of manifestation’.

Hence again why I tackled one type of seizure at a time.

The switchover is apparent on the graph.

To tackle the then spike in absences I did quiet a lot of walking. I know for some this may not be possible. The walks I did ranged from 30 mins to 5km. Dependant upon how I felt.

It is rare for me and others to have an absence whilst engaged in a physical activity plus the process of walking produces those lovely endorphins which are the body’s natural uppers.

Reduces stress/anxiety and all in all quite nice proteins. So whilst counter intuitive if you dont feel up to it, go for a walk say 20-30 mins, then extend.

The graph below shows the crossover between physical/absences in March last year.

Graph to illustrate spike at crossover