Message to members of the NEAD Facebook Support Group
Hi Admin,
Please feel free to delete if you feel this to be inappropriate.
Before the group closes, I would like to thank everyone for their support whilst I have been a member.
When I was first diagnosed this group was one of the few sites which were made known to me and it was incredibly helpful to know that they were others in a similar situation with whom I could ask questions, to learn from and to share my thoughts with.
I fully support the change to functional seizures from the myriad of previous names spanning centuries and millennia. For those who have looked into the history of FND and its various subytpes, ‘hysteria’ is allegedly the names given to seizures by Hippocrates. The name coming from the greek word for ‘uterus’. Hysteria became conversion disorder (Freud) and then non-epileptic attack disorder to add distance between the previous views including those of Freud.
I think that sentence in itself shows how much of a change to functional seizures is and means, and signifies a huge change in medical thinking and understanding.
Yes, it will take some time for all neurologists et al to use the common language but diagnostic manuals now used by the medical profession clearly state functional seizures. Over time this will come to pass and become the common language used.
As an aside, with the closure of the group, access to the previous posts I guess will disappear and will no longer be searchable. For my part, I have saved all of the posts which I have made where I consider these to be of use for reference and of some value to others and placed these onto my own website as reference material for these to be searched upon.
The website is static and I have no intention of making it a facebook page.
In closing thank to everyone and my sincere best wishes to all and good luck on your journeys.